Funky Frog allows you to target messages or news to a specific group of Subscribers.

To target a message to that specific group, you select a Sub-Group when sending the message.


So for example, if you want a message to go to 5th class only, then you select Sub-Group '5th Class' when sending your message.


The Sub-Groups you setup are for you to decide, but some typical example might be the various teams of a sports club, the classes in a school etc etc.


Targeting messages in this way means that only members of the Sub-Group selected will see the message and receive a notification.


Some points to note in relation to Sub-Groups:

  • You must have at least 1 Sub-Group set-up (to which you can assign all of your Subscribers).
  • Every Subscriber MUST be assigned to at least 1 Sub-Group.
  • Subscribers can however be subscribed to multiple Sub-Groups.
  • You can set-up new Sub-Groups and assign Subscribers to them as often as you want.