Now that you have your Group and Sub-Groups set-up, it's time to add your users. 

Funky Frog currently only facilitates user creation by Admin user of the Group. This is to ensure that only those users you invite gain access to your communications. 

Once you create a new user, they will receive a Welcome Email giving them their temporary password (which they change the first time they login) and the links to download the app from either the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. The welcome email also provides an overview of the Funky Frog app.

To create a new user, log into the Control Panel and from the Main Menu selected 'Static Data' and then 'Add New Users'. 

Now just enter their email address, their name and then select their 'User Type'. The 'User Types' are as follows:

  • Standard - the user has basic access rights and can view everything, make payments and upload documents.
  • Content-Admin - the user can send News to Sub-Groups and can upload / delete photos.
  • Admin - the user has full access to all information, can create any type of content and can setup payments types, document types etc. They can also add new users and move users around the Sub-Groups.

Last, but definitely not least, you need to choose a Sub-Group from the dropdown list. If the relevant Sub-Group isn't there, then you will probably need to create it. More information on creating Sub-Groups here.