Sub-Groups allow you to target news and messages to specific Sub-Groups and members of these groups can't opt out.

Topics do something similar, but users can opt in and out as they wish. Topics could be used for 'Fundraising Run' or 'Friday Night Tennis' - a topic for which you want to be able to send messages, but which subscribers don't have to receive if they are not interested.

To set-up Topic Preferences, the Subscriber should go to the 'Alert Preferences' section of the App (by tapping the 'Hamburger' icon at the top left of the screen). From here it's possible to opt into or out of specific Topics.

To setup a new Topic, inside the Control Panel, from the Main Menu select 'Static Data' and 'Manage Topics'. Here you can enter details for a new topic while below you can see a list existing topics.

To delete an existing topic, click on the 'Reference' field in the table and confirm you wish to delete.

BE CAUTIOUS HOWEVER - once you delete a topic, messages sent for that Topic can no longer be seen by users. They remain in your Database, but are not visible to anyone.

If you accidentally delete a topic, you can add it again, but make sure the 'Description' and 'Code' are the same as the previous entries. 

Should disaster strike and you delete a topic and can't remember the details send an email to and we'll re-instate it for you.

You can setup as many Topics as you want and subscribers can opt into as many as the want.


Note though that targeting messages to specific Topics means that only subscribers who have opted into this topic will see the message and receive a notification.