Funky Frog allows customers to upload documents and store them on our servers. This could be application forms, surveys, permission forms etc. 

Anything uploaded can only be seen by the person who uploaded I and Admin users of your Group. Documents are encrypted as they are uploaded and downloaded - although they are not stored in an encrypted format.

As with payments, 'Document Types' need to be setup before users / members can upload anything. Again, this is to ensure that you are in control of what is uploaded and your users can't load random documents which you are not looking for or don't want.

To set-up specific charges, head to the Control Panel ( and from the 'Static Data' menu select 'Manage Document Types'. Here you can see a list of existing Document Types and enter a new one. 

To setup a new Charge Type you need the Name, Description and Code - all of which you can decide on and all of which are displayed in a table at the bottom of this screen.

Once you create the Document Type, the table at the bottom will be updated and the Charge Type will be available to your members.

You can delete a Doucment Type by clicking on the 'Reference' field in the table at the bottom of the screen and then confirming the deletion. Deleting a Document Type means that it will no longer be available to your Group members to use. You, and your Group members, will however be able to see all previous documents uploaded with that Document Type.