Funky Frog allows users to upload documents for use by their school or club. This cuts out paper and storage issues and as a result saves money and is good for the environment.

Uploading documents is only possible where your Group has setup one more document types. This is because the Groups control what documents can and can't be uploaded. So if you'd like to upload an application form, but your Group hasn't set it up, then you can't do it.

To upload a document, tap the Hamburger Menu icon at the top left of the screen. This will take you to the 'Expanded Menu' from where you can select 'Upload a Document'.

Once inside this screen, you can select the type of document you want to upload, select a Sub-Group - which indicates to the Group who and what the document is for and then select your file for upload. You can choose an image or a file (such as a pdf or Word document).

Once you tap Submit it should only take a few seconds to upload after which a confirmation appears to say it's been done. It there's a problem, then you will see an error message and should try again. If the error message persists and you have difficulty uploading files, please open a ticket here at the Support Desk or send an email to and we'll get to the bottom of it.

Your document is encrypted using SSL as it's being transferred to and from our servers. It is not encrypted while stored, but is only accessible to you (the user who uploaded it) and the Group Admin.

To view documents you previously uploaded, go back to the 'Expanded Menu' and tap on 'View My Documents'. Here you will see a list of any documents you have previously uploaded. Tapping on any document allows you to download view that document. From here you can save it, email it, print it or even send it to someone via WhatsApp.