Below are some of the things to think about at setup. They should help you to get everything together so you can have a successful launch of your app.

  1. If you want to accept payments then you'll need a Stripe account. If you don't already have one, you can set one up at It should take no more than 10 to 15 minutes. One thing to note for most clubs is to set-up as a 'Sole Trader'. Otherwise Stripe will look for a CRO number and won't let you activate without one.

  2. Now let's get any planned events or documents uploaded so they are there when members login. It's always better to have the app well populated when members first access it as it helps them to see the value.

  3. Next we should get your members setup. Most apps control access using phone numbers. An account is set-up for each member using their phone number. When logging in for the first time, the member will be asked for their phone number and will receive an SMS with a 6 digit code which they need to proceed. If the phone number is not in the system then you don't get in. There are several ways we can load the member details:
    1. You can send us a list on Excel (or any other electronic format) which I can upload. Once the details are in the system, we (or you) can send an SMS to your members with a link which will bring them to the app on whichever App store they use.
    2. You can send a link to your members where they enter their own name and phone number to register. You, or any other admin user, can then 'approve' their registration at which point an account will be set-up and they can access the app. Note that approval is required before they can access the app.
    3. You can type the details in via the Admin Console. Each one takes several seconds.

      We would recommend the bulk upload. It's the easiest for you and it makes sure all your members are included. We've found that asking people to register isn't always 100% successful and some just won't register. With the bulk upload they receive an SMS and are guided through the login process.

  4. Let's get any additional 'Groups' setup. Maybe your default groups could be 'Members', 'Supporters' and 'Committee'. You can have as many as you'd like and they are easy to set-up.

  5. Support for your members is by email at