Email Address

We ask for your email address so that we can send you email confirmations in the future. For example, if you make a payment, we will send you a confirmation of that payment by email.

But why a password?

Logging in with your phone number is very easy and convenient. 

It is recommended however, that for more sensitive transactions, such as making payments or updating personal data, that a further security check is made, which is why we ask you to create a password. In the future, if you choose to make a payment, we will ask you for this password?

But why is the SMS authentication not secure enough?

For many uses, the SMS authentication is secure enough. After all, viewing news from the school is not hugely sensitive, so SMS authentication is fine. It's possible however, that if someone got access to your phone, even for a minute, they could request an SMS Authentication Code which they could then use to login to your account on their own phone. That's why we will ask for your password when you are making more sensitive transactions.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please email us at with your comments and we will respond to you as soon as we can.