When you enter your number and tap on 'Login', the app searches our database for your number. If the number can't be found, then you will be alerted that 'We don't seem to have a record of that number. Please try again.'

If you received an invitation by SMS to download the app, then the number which received the SMS is the number you need to use to login. That is the number we have for your account. If the number we have for you is incorrect and you wish to change it, please contact your school where the change can be made very quickly.

If you are using the number which received the SMS, then please check that you have entered it correctly. Numbers can be entered in 2 formats:

  1. If you have an Irish number, you can enter the 10 digit number starting with '08'.

  2. You can also enter the number in international format. This starts with a '+' and is followed by the country code and your number. For example, the number '0871234567' can be entered as '+353871234567'. Both Irish and International numbers can be entered in this format.

If you are sure that you have entered the number correctly and you still receive the message, please contact your school to let them know. They can quickly check to see if there is any problem with your account.